Remembering the band Sardina

I know many (okay, all …what… 2 of you?) have heard a nasty rumor that I live in Indiana, well the rumor is true. However, we have a hidden little musical gem around here called The Musical Family Tree. You should really browse the site and give it a listen!! It is a huge trove of little bands from all over the state and more folks should do this sort of work for their areas!

Why this is coming up in my brain enough to write about is that I had a little CD from a little band that I could never find on streaming services. Played the crap out of it, and thank the gods that lasers never did that CD no harm!

The band was Sardina and they put out one album and were around for a hot minute in the 90s. The album, Presents is right there in that awesome little website. I found it from their blog today and was so happy to see them not only write about this band that I have loved for years, but they also have the whole album up there for streaming along with other live shows.

Just so glad I get to share this band. Thanks, Musical Family Tree folks!!

Any suggestions or thoughts? Feel free to lemme know!

This article was updated on February 27, 2025 20:55:13