Bandcamp Friday 202503

I found a good thing to do with my music budget this last Bandcamp Friday!

I knew there were a couple of smaller bands that I had fallen for when there were many little music blogs like Epitonic and wanted to find a bunch and add to my Bandcamp Collection.

I recall fond listenings to early “post-$genre“ bands like June of 44, Shipping News, and A Minor Forest. Was so pleased to grab these up!!

…and then, I also fell into the trap of “targeted emails” (okay, okay, I did opt into getting these) and grabbed up the older releases or Sleater-Kinney offered as pay what you will. So caught up on some classic Riot Grrrl that I wanted to support. They were kind enought to stop by my town at a recent Granfalloon.

All good vibes for my earholes this month! You grab any good music? Lemme know!

This article was updated on March 8, 2025 10:40:50